la Repubblica del Suriname valuta una strategia su Bitcoin

Among the latest Bitcoin news, there is also the one from the Republic of Suriname in South America, which seems to be evaluating a national strategy involving the queen of crypto BTC. 

Under examination by the President of the Country, Chan Santokhi, there is the proposal of the JAN3 team and its CEO, Samson Mow. 

Bitcoin News: the meeting between the President of Suriname and JAN3 for a national strategy 

Scrolling through social media X, for some time now there has been talk of a new country that seems interested in involving Bitcoin in its national strategy: the Republic of Suriname, in South America.

“The Republic of Suriname, in South America, is evaluating a national #Bitcoin strategy proposed by Jan3 of Samson Mow.”

This is the ongoing sharing of tweets about the meeting between the President of Suriname, Chan Santokhi, and the JAN3 team, the Bitcoin technology company focused on expanding access to Bitcoin and financial freedom worldwide.

Specifically, the CEO of JAN3, Samson Mow, along with the COO of JAN3, Ben Van Hool, spent a few days getting to know people in the commercial, banking, and payment services sectors of Suriname. 

After the field survey, the direct meeting with President Santokhi and his administration took place, which concluded with the request to JAN3 for a plan outlining the necessary steps for the implementation of a Bitcoin strategy for Suriname.

The goal is to make the country take a leap in quality in fields traditionally not associated with the country, such as finance and technology. 

Not only that, Santokhi would like to improve the life of his people and the ability of Bitcoin to store wealth for the future and its potential for financial inclusion are promising for the smallest country in South America. 

Bitcoin News: Suriname wants to follow in the footsteps of El Salvador

Perhaps a bit obvious, but the interest in Bitcoin from Suriname’s public officials comes from the growth that El Salvador is experiencing, a country that made Bitcoin legal tender in September 2021. 

And indeed, curiosity would have unleashed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Suriname, Albert Ramdin, after learning about the numerous advantages that the adoption of Bitcoin has brought to El Salvador. 

From here, Samson Mow was then contacted, who seems to be a leader aiming to expand the adoption of Bitcoin globally. 

On December 6th, the Minister himself then confirmed to have received the Bitcoin strategy proposal from JAN3. 

“On December 6th, we received the Bitcoin strategy proposal from JAN3 and we will review it with a working group.”

Samson Mow conquering Colombia and Montenegro

JAN3 and Samson Mow are not only dealing with the Republic of Suriname. In fact, during this same period, it seems that Montenegro and Colombia are also at stake. 

Regarding Montenegro, in fact, just a few days ago, the news arrived that the Prime Minister of the Balkan country, Milojko Spajić, would like to adopt a national Bitcoin strategy.

The European country met with JAN3 executives to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this approach. 

Not only that, returning to Central America, even the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, seems to have met Mow to discuss Bitcoin. In his case, however, it seems that the main topic was not BTC as a legal currency, but how the blockchain can be applied to healthcare billing.
