AI Technique Unlocks the Chemical Secrets of Bordeaux Wines

Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), in collaboration with the Institute of Vine and Wine Science at the University of Bordeaux, have successfully identified distinct chemical signatures in red wines from seven prominent Bordeaux estates. This achievement marks a significant advancement in oenology, blending traditional methods with modern artificial intelligence (AI) techniques.

The complex mosaic of wine chemistry

Wine’s composition, a delicate blend of thousands of molecules, is influenced by many factors. Soil composition, grape variety, and winemaking practices are crucial in shaping a wine’s unique profile. These variables create a complex mosaic that traditionally made pinpointing a wine’s origin based on taste alone challenging. However, with the increasing issues of climate change, evolving consumer preferences, and the rise in wine counterfeiting, the industry has felt a pressing need for more sophisticated identification methods.

Professor Alexandre Pouget of UNIGE commented on the historical challenges faced by the wine sector, emphasizing the complexity of traditional methods like gas chromatography. This technique, involving a 30-meter tube and a mass spectrometer, has been fundamental in separating and identifying wine’s molecular components. However, due to the sheer number of molecules in wine, creating a comprehensive analysis has been akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

AI meets Oenology

The breakthrough came with the innovative integration of chromatograms and AI tools. The research team, including Professor Stéphanie Marchand from Bordeaux, analyzed chromatograms from 80 red wines spanning 12 vintages (1990–2007) and originating from seven Bordeaux estates. By applying machine learning, a subset of AI focused on pattern recognition in data sets, they transformed the vast and complex chromatograms into manageable data.

Michael Schartner, a former postdoctoral scholar at UNIGE, explained their approach. Instead of isolating specific molecular peaks, the team utilized dimensionality reduction, simplifying large datasets. This method enabled them to condense each wine’s chromatogram, comprising up to 30,000 data points, into just two coordinates, X and Y, effectively filtering out unnecessary variables.

The results were striking. When plotted on a graph, the wines from each estate clustered into seven distinct groups based on chemical similarities. This pattern confirmed that each estate’s wine possesses a unique chemical signature and revealed geographical correlations. Wines from three estates clustered on one side of the graph, while those from four others gathered on the opposite, reflecting the geographical distribution of these estates along the two banks of the Garonne River.

This discovery is a leap forward in understanding wine’s identity and sensory attributes. It underscores that a wine’s chemical identity is not merely defined by a few molecules but by a broad spectrum of chemical compounds. The practical implications of this research are vast. For the wine industry, this means more informed decision-making and enhanced capabilities in combating counterfeiting. For consumers, it promises a greater assurance of authenticity and quality.

A future shaped by science and tradition

Concluding their findings, the researchers emphasized the potential of their AI-driven method in identifying the geographical origin of wines with unprecedented accuracy. This synergy between traditional wine science and cutting-edge AI technology opens new avenues for quality assurance and authenticity in the wine industry. It sets a precedent for other sectors where product origin and authenticity are crucial.

In the ever-evolving landscape of wine science, this research is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, merging the art of winemaking with the precision of artificial intelligence. As the industry faces new challenges and opportunities, such innovative approaches will undoubtedly shape its future, preserving tradition while embracing the advances of modern technology.
