Japanese Foreign Bond Investment rebounds ¥64.5B for the week into December 1st

Japanese Foreign Bond Investment rebounded ¥64.5 billion for the week into December 1st after seeing a ¥-84.3 billion shortfall the previous week, which was revised slightly lower from ¥-84.5 bilion.

Foreign Investment in Japanese Stocks for the same period saw a sharp pullback, falling ¥-358.3 billion for the week compared to the previous week’s slight increase in foreign equities purchases worth ¥4.5 billion (revised upwards from ¥4.3 billion).

Market Reaction

The USD/JPY is trading thing near 147.20, with minimal data impact as the pair heads into Thursday’s Asia market session.

About Japanese Foreign Bond & Stock Investment

Securities investment, released by Ministry of Finance, referrers to bonds issued in a domestic market by a foreign entity in the domestic market’s currency. The report is released by the Ministry of Finance, detailing the flows from the public sector excluding Bank of Japan. The net data shows the difference of capital inflow and outflow. A positive difference indicates net sales of foreign securities by residents (capital inflow), and a negative difference indicates net purchases of foreign securities by residents (capital outflow).


Source: https://www.fxstreet.com/news/japanese-foreign-bond-investment-rebounds-y645b-for-the-week-into-december-1st-202312070001