Russian Volunteer Group Making A Thousand FPV Kamikaze Drones Each Day

The FPV kamikaze has become the signature weapon of the conflict in Ukraine, an improvised precision attack drone which gives precision lethality to the individual footsoldier. First introduced by Ukrainian forces, FPVs were quickly copied by the Russians and are now appearing in large numbers. Russian volunteer group Sudoplatov claims to be producing a thousand of the drones every day.

The claim appears in a recent video, which show large numbers being assembled and shipped. This upsurge is thanks to aid from Russia’s Ministry of Defense, previously opposed to private initiatives.

“It looks like the MoD is partnering up with some of the largest efforts like Sudoplatov and Project Archangel,” Samuel Bendett, an advisor to the CNA, CNAS and CSIS and an expert on Russian drones, told Forbes.

While Ukrainian FPV strikes tend to target Russian vehicles and artillery, the Russians tend to hit personnel. Sudoplatov claim in the three months since they started large-scale production, they have ‘destroyed’ 49,496 enemy personnel and hit 3,700 firing positions, trenches, bunkers and dugouts, as well as 630 vehicles and pieces of equipment. As a condition of supplying FPVs, the group insists that all operators send back video of each use so they can learn from it. These numbers, whether or not they are accurate, are based on a mountain of data.

Progress Against Resistance

FPV kamikazes are racing quadcopter drones assembled from commercial components costing just a few hundred dollars and fitted with explosive warheads. Such drones, sometimes made by the soldiers themselves, appeared in ones and two from August 2022. FPVs can dive into trenches, foxholes and bunkers, making them difficult to hide from, and are powerful enough to destroy tanks and personnel carriers. Sudoplatov’s showpiece VT-40 drone carries a payload of up to seven pounds – such as a substantial anti-tank RPG
warhead – out to a range of five miles or more.

While FPVs were extremely popular with footsoldiers from the start, commanders on both sides have been less than enthusiastic. The drones look too small, too easily jammed, and have a short range compared to proven hardware. They are not produced by the arms makers like Zala who make Russia’s larger Lancet loitering munitions. FPVs are hand-made without all the usual certification, testing and standardization. The Soviet-legacy bureaucracy on both sides resists this type of haphazard improvisation, even though the FPVs have proven a cheap, effective way of destroying tanks and other hardware from long range.

In Ukraine, official support has been provided via a novel channel. Rather than the army’s laborious procurement process, FPVs are acquired courtesy of the Army of Drones initiative set up by the Ministry of Digital Transformation under the dynamic leadership of Mykhailo Fedorov. Ukrainian officials are talking about plans to procure 200,000 small drones but actual production is unknown.

In Russia, volunteer groups, often led by the mothers of serving soldiers, have supplied much-needed equipment including drones, night-vision goggles and medical supplies. But Russian groups supplying drones in particular have complained about bureaucratic obstruction, for example with importing parts. And getting drones to the troops can be challenging. One disgruntled Russian drone maker complained on Telegram : “For a couple of sensible division commanders, there will always be someone higher who will not only screw up all initiatives, but will make sure that there are no such initiatives at all.”

However, the Russian Ministry of Defence now seems to have changed its view.

“We are seeing more MoD involvement – soldiers are getting trained, there are more FPV piloting schools opening up across the country, the military is definitely interested in keeping this going,” says Bendett. “It is unclear to what extent the high command is on board, but at least it seems not to be in the way.”

Support for Sudoplatov

Bendett notes the appearance of Russian officials in recent news coverage of Sudoplatov, a significant sign that the group is now accepted. In the video and official states that after Sudoplatov showed their work “the MOD took over the effort” of production, but there is no explanation of what this means – it might simply be co-ordination or supervision, but it may also indicate material support.

Bendett believes that the MoD is also working with other volunteer drone producers such as the Archangel group, but again the exact relationship is not known.

Sudoplatov, a group named for a former KGB officer, set up its FPV drone program variously translated as “Doomsday” or ‘”Judgement Day” in July. The group has always worked on a larger scale than other efforts and appears to have serious financial backing. The video, with its claim that production has now reached a thousand drones a day, looks plausible.

There is no automated production line, just a lot of workers toiling away with soldering irons and electric screwdrivers to assemble drones by hand, at some twenty different sites. Each drone takes several hours to produce. The only really high-tech element is a bank of 3D printers making plastic parts. This cottage industry style mirrors production in Ukraine, which is carried out in garages and basements, and with enough hands it can turn out large numbers of FPVs. Sudoplatov videos show hundreds of drones stacked on shelves and being boxed up and shipped to the front lines .

Sudoplatov claim in the video that 90% of the components are now produced in Russia rather than imported from China, the main supplier of drone components. In Ukraine, makers are concerned that new Chinese restrictions will restrict the flow of components and choke production. TO make matters worse, many Ukrainian FPV components have been held up on the Polish border by a dispute over EU membership.

This free use against low-value targets highlights the fact that, unlike other precision munitions, FPVs are cheap and plentiful enough to be used on individual footsoldiers. A single precise FPV drone can strike a dug-in position that a hundred artillery shells could not damage – and at less than the cost of one shell.

A War Of Drone Production

Some Ukrainian sources previously claimed that Russia is now making 40,000 FPVs per month, but the basis for this was not clear. If Sudoplatov really are making thirty thousand FPVs a month as the video suggests, then overall Russian production may be even higher.

Ukraine is also boosting its FPV production. In a recent interview German Smetanin, head of national arms makers Ukroboronprom, said that they had signed licensing agreements with three large companies to mass-produce FPV drones, but he would not be drawn on numbers.

FPV drones bring low-cost, long-range precision strike from beyond line of sight, and large numbers of them could tilt the outcome in Ukraine.

“The importance of the FPV drone adaption battle and ability to scale FPV production for current & future military operations by both sides cannot be overstated,” Franz-Stefan Gady of the International Institute for Strategic Studies noted in a recent Tweet after visiting the front lines.

The Soviet Union achieved success in WWII by being able to absorb heavy casualties and having the industrial capacity to produce vast quantities of military hardware. We are seeing something similar now. Neither side seems capable of large-scale offensive operations and we have a relatively static war of attrition where both sides face entrenched defenses. The side which produces more FPVs and erode enemy forces fastest may end up as the victor.
