The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Consumer Concerns and Ethical Considerations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily infiltrating healthcare, offering solutions that range from diagnosing diseases through image analysis to assisting with medical research. While AI holds great promise, consumers have questions and concerns about its implementation in the healthcare sector. In this article, we explore the five key questions consumers want answered regarding AI in healthcare and the ethical considerations that should shape its future.

Consumer expectations and concerns

Consumers generally recognize the potential value of AI in healthcare, which includes increasing diagnostic accuracy and improving access to care. However, their acceptance of AI comes with specific conditions and concerns that must be addressed for successful integration.

1. Does the AI work?

A fundamental expectation from consumers is that AI tools should perform at least as well as human doctors. If AI fails to meet this standard, resulting in incorrect diagnoses or medical errors, consumers question its utility in healthcare.

2. Accountability for AI errors

Consumers are understandably concerned about accountability when AI systems generate decisions, such as diagnoses or treatment plans, without human input. The responsibility for errors in such cases may become unclear, making it essential to define clear lines of accountability and ensure patient safety.

3. Equity in healthcare

AI has the potential to perpetuate existing healthcare disparities if it learns discriminatory patterns from data. Consumers are wary of AI exacerbating health inequities, emphasizing the importance of fairness and unbiased algorithms in healthcare AI systems.

4. Preserving human touch

While AI can offer efficiency and accuracy, consumers value the “human” elements in healthcare. They expect AI to complement, not replace, healthcare professionals. Traits like empathy, communication skills, and the personal touch of a healthcare provider are deemed crucial, especially when patients are vulnerable.

5. Safeguarding healthcare expertise

Consumers recognize the expertise of human clinicians and are concerned that excessive reliance on AI could diminish healthcare workers’ skills. This expertise is seen as a shared resource, and consumers are cautious about the potential loss of this valuable asset.

The need for consumer engagement

The integration of AI in healthcare demands active consumer engagement and education. Communities must develop digital health literacy, empowering individuals with the skills to access reliable health information and services. Additionally, engagement with diverse communities, including Indigenous populations, is crucial to upholding Indigenous data sovereignty and ensuring culturally sensitive AI applications.

Efforts are underway to involve consumers in shaping the future of AI in healthcare. A citizens’ jury on AI in healthcare, comprising diverse Australians, recently provided recommendations to policymakers. These insights, to be published in the Medical Journal of Australia, have contributed to a national roadmap for AI in healthcare.

Ensuring safety and informed consent

Healthcare professionals must also adapt to the evolving landscape. They need training and support to be critical users of digital health tools, understand their benefits and limitations. Transparency is essential, with healthcare workers informing patients when AI tools are employed in their care and seeking informed consent when necessary.

Throughout the development and use of AI in healthcare, the perspectives and values of consumers and communities must guide decision-making. The question of whether a particular AI application is justified should involve the consensus of those it affects.

In conclusion, the integration of AI in healthcare is a transformative endeavor that carries both great potential and responsibility. Consumers’ questions and concerns must be addressed, accountability defined, and healthcare equity ensured. Active consumer engagement, alongside ethical considerations and informed consent, is essential for shaping a healthcare system that aligns with the values and expectations of those it serves. Only through such collaboration can we build an AI-enabled healthcare system that meets the needs and desires of consumers.
