Feds Allege Tennessee Discriminates Against People With HIV Through ‘Aggravated Prostitution’ Law


A Tennessee state law that elevates misdemeanor prostitution crimes to felonies on the same level as “violent sexual offenses” if the defendant has HIV illegally discriminates on the basis of disability, the Justice Department alleged Friday—as federal officials push back against laws that criminalize HIV transmission, which are still prevalent across much of the country.

Key Facts

In a letter to state officials, the department said Tennessee is subjecting people with HIV to harsher criminal penalties “solely because of their HIV status” in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Under Tennessee state law, sex work crimes that are typically considered misdemeanors are elevated to felony “aggravated prostitution” charges if the individual has HIV, regardless of any actual risk of harm or likelihood of transmission, the Justice Department said.

The steeper charges come with a potential sentence of three to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, and are also considered “violent sexual offenses” that land a defendant on the state’s Sex Offender Registry, the Justice Department found.

The Department’s investigation found several complainants who were harmed by the law after being convicted of aggravated prostitution, and who have been considered registered sex offenders their whole lives.

Should the state decline to enter into negotiations to resolve the Justice Department’s findings, the federal government “may take appropriate action, including initiating a lawsuit.”

In an email to Forbes, the state Bureau of Investigation, which was also named in the letter, said it was reviewing the letter’s contents and that it follows state law “as written,” but beyond that had no further comment, and Forbes has also reached out to the state Attorney General’s office and the Shelby County District Attorney’s office for comment.

Key Background

The announcement comes on World AIDS Day, an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic. It also comes a month after the American Civil Liberties Union and the Transgender Law Center filed a federal lawsuit against the state over the same law, which was enacted in 1991. The ACLU argued the law is “rooted in fear and discrimination” and “enhances sex work from a misdemeanor to a felony, solely based on HIV status.” Earlier this year, the state updated its laws to remove a 30-year-old statute that made it a felony for anybody to fail to disclose an HIV diagnosis before sex. That now-defunct statute required defendants to be placed on the sex offender registry.

Crucial Quote

“Tennessee’s aggravated prostitution law is outdated, has no basis in science, discourages testing and further marginalizes people living with HIV,” said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

Big Number

35. That’s the number of states that have laws criminalizing the transmission of HIV as of 2022, according to the CDC.


Laws criminalizing HIV transmission vary from state to state, sometimes by using HIV-specific language and in other cases using more general STD-related language. But the CDC says that many of these laws were passed at a time when little was known about HIV and are now outdated. Some states, for instance, criminalize actions that are now known to have a negligible or low risk of transmitting HIV, like spitting or biting. The CDC warns that these laws may discourage HIV testing and increase stigma against people with HIV.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESWorld AIDS Day 2023: Thinking Locally About The Global HIV/AIDS EpidemicMORE FROM FORBESJudge Blocks Tennessee Law Requiring Transgender Bathroom Warning Signs

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2023/12/01/feds-allege-tennessee-discriminates-against-people-with-hiv-through-aggravated-prostitution-law/