DoD’s Mass-Drone Replicator Initiative Is Process Over Production

The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) held a media roundtable today. In it, we learned that the Replicator initiative isn’t aimed at doing a ton of drone replicating.

During the call, DIU’s director, Doug Beck, stressed that Replicator is a “process”, emphasizing that point over the widely held perception that it is an effort to acquire smaller, affordable military drones en masse. It’s about replicating the rapid adoption and delivery of technology – not buying in bulk.

DIU broadly defines Replicator as leveraging the power of the commercial tech sector to deliver the “strategic effect” the Pentagon desires at the speed, scale and capability it needs. Beck added that DIU has evolved since its establishment in 2017. It has now moved from initially being a bridge between the tech community and the Pentagon to “DIU 3.0” – applying technology (drones in this case) to gaps in the U.S. military’s warfighting capability.

Sounds reasonable enough. But the details suggest that the Mountain View, California-based organization is essentially an adjunct player in Replicator, an initiative (or process) that has yet to be fully defined.

Replicator was announced in August and posited as moving quickly to acquisition. The roundtable was held to discuss “operationalizing Replicator”. Thus far that apparently consists of defining requirements for the drones, working out an integrated operational concept and holding an upcoming tech summit.

DIU’s principals did not offer any information on which contractors might be in the running for drone acquisitions, nor has Replicator backer, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks. Apparently, the DIU principals have briefed Congress on what their potential portfolio looks like.

They did say that the first influx of drones is expected to be fielded at some approximate date between February and August 2025. How many? DIU’s leaders didn’t say.

However, earlier this week Lauren Kahn, a senior research analyst at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, opined to Federal News Network that Replicator would technically be a success at the end of the 18 to 24 months “if the DoD has at least 2,000 autonomous, attritable, relatively cheap systems…”

In other words, don’t expect a massive amount of little ISR or kamikaze drones to flood into the Services. DIU’s leaders intimated that drone buys (and presumably other technologies/systems) will be acquired in successive tranches.

Media in attendance at the roundtable raised several familiar issues starting with the lack of a domestic industrial base to produce drones and China’s control of the component market.

Doug Beck confirmed that DIU understands the problem, asserting that, “Part of what we are doing as we expand the aperture of players that are providing capability into this space, is expanding the aperture of the base on which you can rely.”

He added that this doesn’t fully solve the issue but could make a difference. Money appropriated for Replicator would surely help spur industrial activity but the question of how and when Replicator will be funded within its 18-24 month initial timeline remains a mystery.

Beck acknowledged that “we’re hearing that question a lot” and reverted to previous statements from Secretary Hicks and DIU that the money is in existing programs. Apparently, the initiative is moving forward on process in hopes the current Continuing Resolution in Congress will be replaced by a formal defense budget.

Beck said Replicator needs Congress to pass appropriations for FY24, calling it “critical”. He also emphasized that DIU’s budget is separate from Replicator funding. Otherwise, DIU offered little clarity on this seminal question.

On the process side DIU, which now reports directly to the Secretary of Defense, is part of Pentagon’s new Deputy’s Innovation Steering Group (DISG), co-chaired by Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks and the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Christopher W. Grady.

The Steering Group brings service and agency leaders from across DoD to “break down systemic barriers” to deliver weapons/sensors at speed according to Beck. Replicator is its first swing of the bat, initially focused on unmanned aerial systems (UAS). DISG has a working group and other substructures.

In addition to considering what drone systems DoD might want to buy, DISG is looking at the issue of attritability (how cheap and easy drones are to throw into battle), scalability and what levels autonomy to ethically imbue them with.

“We’re now in the process of looking across our portfolio and identifying capabilities that meet those criteria,” Aditi Kumar, DIU’s deputy director affirmed. She mentioned “many” Department-wide supporting efforts to determine how the drones will be deployed in-theater.

Beck emphasized that DIU is not picking contract winners. Rather, he describes DIU’s role as “catalyzing” the rapid technology adoption and acquisition process so it can be “done again and again”.

Presumably someone among the armed services, combatant commanders, the Joint Staff, or other players in the DISG collective will pick and choose systems to be acquired. This is supposed to allow quick, iterative decision-making to blow past “systemic barriers” but it wasn’t clear where the buck stops.

Further information on the Replicator strategy is promised in the weeks to come but as described DIU 3.0 is essentially a “chief recommender” with no budget of its own nor budgeting authority and apparently part of a broad group of Pentagon chefs with diverse input, potentially yielding paralysis.

DIU and the rest of the group have been doing their homework on desired systems, drawing lessons from current conflicts. The drift of this is that they’ll be a mix of the small and simple and the larger and more complex. That may be a reflection of the Pentagon’s continued taste for exquisite, expensive weapons systems or a concession to the INDO-PACOM focus of Replicator.

Small drones may be highly effective in Ukraine, Europe or the Middle East. But across the reaches of the Indo-Pacific they face obvious range, endurance and capability problems. However mass drone acquisition may face another problem.

Time did not permit me to ask a question regarding how much of a moving target DIU/DISG’s concept definition is. But its foundations could be shifting.

Within the last month, the IDF claims to have shot down a Hamas rocket with its Iron Beam system. Iron Beam and similar laser systems would obviously be highly useful against drones at a relatively low cost per shot. If that pans out (there is some argument among experts), it could flip the cost/efficacy balance of mass aerial drone systems, making what was a no-brainer suddenly less attractive.

As a result, is DIU now re-thinking the contours of Replicator?

We don’t know. Then again, we still don’t know a whole lot about the initiative beyond what appears to be a focus on process over production.
