PIKA Protocol Announces Retirement of PIKA Token and Shifts Focus

In a significant development, Pika Protocol, a decentralized leverage trading platform, has announced the retirement of its native PIKA token. The decision, influenced by community feedback and extensive deliberation, marks a pivotal shift in the protocol’s strategy. The Pika team has outlined a comprehensive plan for the token’s retirement, including details on how holders can redeem their PIKA for Ethereum (ETH).

Redeeming PIKA: A detailed process

Pika Protocol has set up a structured process for PIKA token holders to exchange their tokens for ETH. The move effectively dissolves the PIKA token, transitioning the platform to operate without a native cryptocurrency. The redemption process is based on a fixed exchange rate of approximately 0.0001632 ETH per PIKA, equivalent to around $0.34 at the time of the announcement.

To facilitate the exchange, Pika has allocated a substantial amount of ETH, precisely 3,538 ETH, to Uniswap v3. The allocation is confined to a single tick range, ensuring a streamlined redemption process. Token holders are guaranteed the opportunity to redeem their PIKA for the next six months. After this period, any remaining liquidity will be redirected towards the continued development of the Pika Protocol.

The exchange rate was meticulously calculated, taking into account the total circulating supply of PIKA, including potential esPIKA redemptions, and the initial 4,696 ETH raised during the May 2023 PIKA Token Generation Event (TGE), plus earnings from stETH. The calculation also factored in six months of operational costs, including protocol-owned liquidity, the discord incident settlement, and various operational expenses.

Background and rationale behind the PIKA Protocol decision

Launched in 2021, Pika has been a key player in decentralized leverage trading, focusing on an OP native platform. Since its inception, the protocol has launched four major updates and achieved an impressive $2 billion in trading volume. The PIKA TGE in May 2023 was a significant milestone, to establish PIKA as a utility token to incentivize protocol alignment.

Despite these achievements, the impact of the PIKA token on the protocol’s growth has been minimal. Community concerns and requests indicated that the token might not be effectively incentivizing growth or aligning holder interests. The realization led to the decision to retire the PIKA token, a move seen as the best path forward for the protocol.

Future of Pika: A tokenless path

With the retirement of the PIKA token, the Pika Protocol is set to continue its operations without a native token. The decision does not signal any changes to the trading platform itself or the USDC vault, which will continue to function as normal.

The retirement of the PIKA token also brings changes to esPIKA staking. Holders can convert their esPIKA to PIKA based on the current vesting status, with a new interface launching soon to facilitate the process. Additionally, all PIKA staking and incentives will cease, and stakers are advised to unstack and exchange their PIKA for ETH.

It plans to adjust the existing trading fee discount mechanism, eventually removing the requirement for PIKA staking. The adjustment is part of Pika Protocol’s broader strategy to continue advancing its mission without a native token, relying on its proven track record of success in the pre-token era.


The retirement of the PIKA token marks a significant shift in the Pika Protocol’s trajectory. The team expresses gratitude to everyone who has supported and contributed to the protocol, acknowledging the dedication that has shaped a platform poised to make a lasting impact in the decentralized finance space. As Pika Protocol embarks on the new chapter, it remains committed to its mission of providing innovative solutions in decentralized leverage trading.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/pika-protocol-retire-pika-token-shift-focus/