George Santos Calls Man ‘Human Scum’ In Shouting Match Over Israel-Hamas Conflict


“Human scum” and “terrorist sympathizer” were some of the phrases Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) shouted at a man in the halls of Congress Friday whom he believed to be an anti-Israel protester, before yelling a series of denouncements about the Israel-Hamas conflict through the halls of the Longworth House office building.

Key Facts

Santos began the tense interaction by accusing the man of previously accosting him while Santos held a baby in his hands, saying the man entered his personal space yelling at him, though it is unclear when that interaction took place.

The man, who NBC News identified as Shabd Singh, a Jewish American critical of Israeli policies, asked what Santos was doing about Israel’s “massive bombings of civilians” before calling Santos a “coward” and a “joke” as the congressman walked away.

A woman joined Singh in blasting Santos, calling Santos a criminal and referring to his financial criminal charges levied by government prosecutors in New York, as the shouting match ricocheted down the building’s hallways and reporters swarmed.

Santos walked through the halls of the Longworth House Office Building, one of five buildings used by the House of Representatives, and denounced Hamas’ recent attacks against Israel while criticizing Singh, calling him a “f****** terrorist sympathizer” and an “animal.”

Crucial Quote

“Nobody defending Hamas has any business in this building whether you’re elected [or] whether you’re a civilian,” Santos yelled as reporters gathered around him for a brief pause. “It is a disgrace that we allow people to parade that kind of thought in here.”

Key Background

More than 3,000 people have died in the attacks levied by Hamas and Israel as of Friday, with thousands more injured. The U.S. has stood firm in its support of Israel, a long-time ally, though President Joe Biden said Friday his administration has a priority to “urgently address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.” The comment came after Israel called for Palestinians in the Northern region of the Gaza Strip to evacuate South, a demand Biden characterized as a “tall order” given the region’s population density. The United Nations warned the evacuation order could create “devastating human consequences.” Santos’ blowup over the conflict comes a few days after he was indicted on 10 additional charges alleging he stole the identities and financial information of campaign donors. Prosecutors claim Santos attempted to make more than $44,000 in charges with donors’ cards, sending money to his campaign, other candidates’ campaigns and to his own bank account. Santos’ former campaign treasurer, Nancy Marks, pleaded guilty to a federal fraud charge last week.

Further Reading

George Santos Indicted On Ten Additional Charges And Accused Of Stealing Donors’ Identities (Forbes)

George Santos’ Former Campaign Treasurer Pleads Guilty To Federal Fraud Charge (Forbes)
