How Michael Lewis’ Sam Bankman-Fried Book Helps Explain The FTX Founder And His Trial

“Yup” was Sam Bankman-Fried’s automatic response to nearly everything, from buying office supplies to TV appearances to multi-million-dollar deals. This nonchalant response, according to the author Michael Lewis, was often delivered while Bankman-Fried, known as SBF, played video games or toiled on his phone. It may help explain how the young entrepreneur has ended up in court defending himself against charges including securities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to launder money.

As with nearly every newsworthy event, details are often missing from mainstream, contemporary reporting. However Lewis, the financial journalist best known for The Big Short and Moneyball, elucidates the quirky backstory of how a young man with unique beliefs found a way to lose billions of dollars almost as quickly as he earned them.

In Lewis’ recently released Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of the New Tycoon (W.W. Norton & Company), we learn that Lewis arrived in the Bahamas to capture the whole story just days before the complete collapse of FTX.

If you are familiar with Lewis’ previous work, Bankman-Fried’s story is tailor-made for the writer. As the trial unfolds, SBF’s role in the financial company’s rise and demise will become clearer, but Lewis’ book (which happened to be released the same day as Bankman-Fried’s trial started) adds far more color to the story highlighting SBF’s struggles with depression as a teenager through his hedge fund employment at Jane Street and his strongly held beliefs in a philosophy called effective altruism, also known as EA.

Bankman-Fried’s Gift Of Mathematics Started Early

The trial is likely to focus on financial fraud and malfeasance by SBF and his company and while you don’t need to fully understand crypto to grasp the alleged crimes, occasionally something may come up that seems worthy of a head-scratch. For example, this week Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of Alameda Research and SBF’s ex-girlfriend, took the stand to testify against Bankman-Fried and told the court that SBF believed there was a “5% chance he would become president.”

As a young man, SBF displayed a gift for mathematics and reasoning skills and admitted to Lewis he had been burdened by childhood depression: SBF complained to his mother that he felt so bored in school that he felt he might die. SBF’s gift of numbers resulted in his desire to quantify reality and consider the odds of, well, everything.

This skill, as it turns out, aligns with both the skills of a Jane Street employee and that of the esoteric philosophy of effective altruism, a belief that by applying scientific reasoning to various forms of philanthropy, you can maximize your impact.

What Is Effective Altruism?

Going Infinite reveals more than the financial tricks and extreme crypto gambling and rather tries to explain why SBF would want to make immense amounts of money. In 2012, SBF met William MacAskill, one of the founders of effective altruism, who reached out to him with an invite to a talk and coffee at Harvard’s campus.

MacAskill opened SBF’s eyes to a new way to consider labor and wealth to increase “good” in the world by making so much money that he could give it all away. Lewis writes that SBF spent inordinate amounts of time trying to make sense of moral quandaries and in the end, SBF decided that he needed more money than Jane Street’s annual bonuses could offer so he could donate to EA causes, specifically to 80,000 Hours (named after the number of hours you work in your career,) and crypto was the answer.

SBF hired dozens of EA adherents at FTX and they all lived together in an eleven thousand five hundred square feet penthouse suite called the Orchid in a resort owned by FTX in the Bahamas. Lewis writes the the room was covered wall-to-wall with wires and monitors, the shades displaying the beautiful view were closed, and they required little furniture so they had room for LARPing (live-action role-play.) Though throughout the book, it remains unclear how the resort and penthouse benefit his EA cause.

Michael Lewis Helps Us Better Understand SBF

The most curious part of SBF’s story told in Going Infinite is how much SBF is aware of his faults. At one point he explains in a letter to Ellison that he likes to be around her and appreciates her, but he knows that his facial reactions and empathy are fake and he can’t feel happiness.

As SBF is on the stand, we’ll perceive a man who managed to become incredibly wealthy in a short period of time and we’ll compare him, perhaps unfairly, to other CEOs and perpetrators of massive fraud. SBF is very unique, but sometimes that doesn’t matter in a court of law when you’re accused of financial crimes.

It’s worth reading Michael Lewis’ Going Infinite because there is much more to the story than we’ll learn in court, and as with his other work, this book will probably be optioned for a film. But reader beware, even with more details we’ll still be confused by how it all happened.
