Former Twitter Execs Investigated Over Pre-Musk Security Breach!

Crypto Live News

Author: Mustafa Mulla

Mustafa has been writing about Blockchain and crypto since many years. He has previous trading experience and has been working in the Fintech industry since 2017.


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating a former Twitter executive over a security breach that occurred prior to Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform. Anonymous sources say Ned Segal and Parag Agrawal, ex-CFO and CTO, respectively, allegedly failed to inform shareholders about a bug that allowed outsiders to see user emails and identities. Although neither executive is accused of wrongdoing, the investigation found they failed to take adequate measures to correct the issue. The SEC began investigating the acquisition and breaches in 2018 following Musk’s $44 billion purchase of the social media platform.
