APTIM Launches Its 2023 Sustainable Sport Index Benchmarking Report

In celebration of Green Sports Day, APTIM – a global industry leader committed to accelerating the transition to a clean and efficient future – has released its third annual Sustainable Sport Index Benchmarking Report (SSI). The report analyzes the environmental and social sustainability efforts of 41 major sports – collegiate and professional – venues across North America.

APTIM’s SSI is based on self-reported survey data looking into the following key performance areas: Energy, Waste, Water, Transportation, Food and Beverage, Environmental Resilience, Sponsorship and Community Engagement and Employee Wellness. Unlike other sustainability indexes, APTIM’s does not rank, certify or award its participants based on their results. The purpose of the report is to find and understand industry trends and establish best practices amongst sports venues.

This year’s SSI collected self-reported data from the 2022 calendar year and had a new section specifically about environmental resilience, which looks at climate-related extreme weather in a stadium’s surrounding area, a topic of growing concern as the risks of climate change become ever more prevalent. It also included additional questions discussing fan accessibility and social sustainability and enlarged its section on the business case for sustainability projects with a closer look at sponsorship.

Participation in the SSI increased by 64% this year, with 41 total venues being assessed and 24 of the previous year’s 25 participating venues partaking again. According to APTIM’s Director of the Sustainable Sport Index, Meredith McCurdy, having 96% of venues repeat their participation shows that the SSI is providing something of value to the industry. Moreover, she notes that the SSI allows for the confidential sharing of sustainability information, which can increase the competitive spirit between venues and show environmental best practices across the board.

15 sports leagues are represented including all the major American sports leagues, College Football and Mexico’s Liga MX. Major League Baseball (MLB) is historically the biggest participant base, although the amount of NFL stadiums is increasing in part because some of them are preparing to host games at the 2026 FIFA World Cup. All together, 24% of US-based professional sports venues participated in the 2023 SSI.

Some of the positive notable findings from the report are that dedicated sustainability positions within sports venues are on the rise (56%), sponsorship revenue is actually increasing due to sustainability practices (64%) and recycling regulations are growing (44%).

However, there is still work to be done. Two of the most startling discoveries from the SSI were the lack of ESG reporting and the lack of preparedness for extreme weather events. APTIM found that only 8% of the participating sports venues produce public ESG or sustainability reports. Compared with 96% of S&P 500 companies, this shows a major lag in the sports sector. More worryingly, while 98% of the venues recognize that they could suffer from at least one climate-related risk, only 7% have developed climate adaptation plans to deal with climate-related extreme weather. The hope of course is that the SSI will encourage these venues to build out robust adaptation plans that help them ensure the future of sports in their community is safeguarded.

McCurdy also suspects that as the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) introduces further requirements for ESG reporting, the amount of sports venues with robust reporting will drastically increase. She also notes that sponsors are increasingly interested in ESG initiatives and sustainability projects. This means that there is an increasing financial incentive to act in a sustainable manner for major sports venues across North America. Moreover, there is even further incentive to make any sustainability projects public and sponsors with their own sustainability projects are likely to team up with venues whose values align with their own.

Another interesting trend drawn from the index is that all of the major leagues across North America are beginning to use big data to track their environmental footprint. The National Hockey League (NHL) has partnered with SAP, the MLB has its own measurable tracking tool and the NBA and NFL are encouraging their venues to use the Green Sports Alliances software.

While environmental sustainability progress varies across sports venues, McCurdy notes that two venues stood out during the index for their excellence: Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium, the only stadium in the US to have achieved true platinum LEED certification, and C.F. Monterrey’s Estadio BBVA which just earned LEED Silver certification.

Despite the sustainability progress being made, there is continued room for improvement for all stadiums across North America. For those that wish to benchmark themselves each year, learn the best sustainability practices and receive an individualized confidential sustainability report, APTIM is there to provide. With participation increasing year-on-year, APTIM will continue to engage the sports sector and provide it with an established resource for environmental and social sustainability.

The full report with an anonymized analysis of all 41 sports venues can be downloaded here.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/vitascarosella/2023/10/06/aptim-launches-its-2023-sustainable-sport-index-benchmarking-report/