In What Ways Does AI Disinformation Affect Our Society?

In the midst of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the question of whether AI serves as a help or hindrance in the battle against disinformation has become paramount. Experts gathered at Berlin’s Humboldt University for a discussion on the ethics, dangers, and benefits of AI in the context of disinformation. 

As society grapples with the power of AI to manipulate emotions and decisions through deceptive content, a heated debate has emerged regarding its impact on the media landscape. This discussion, organized by DW as part of its 70th-anniversary celebrations, seeks to shed light on the complexities surrounding AI and disinformation.

Journalistic ethics in the age of AI

The philosopher Claudia Paganini, a professor at the Munich School of Philosophy, cautioned against painting AI as the sole culprit behind deception and disinformation. She highlighted that various forms of deception have existed throughout history and stressed the importance of journalism embracing transparency. Paganini argued that transparency is the new truthfulness in journalism, calling for greater clarity about the origin of information and the expertise of journalists themselves. 

Tabea Rössner, a Green Party member of the Bundestag and former journalist, echoed the need for transparency and emphasized the importance of an “error culture” in journalism, suggesting that technology assessments should precede AI adoption, both in journalism and society at large. The European Union is currently working on regulations in this regard, and Rössner hopes these guidelines will influence tech companies worldwide, much like EU’s data protection rules did upon introduction.

AI’s influence on political discourse

Helge Lindh, a legislator from the center-left Social Democrats, underscored the considerable challenges faced by politicians in keeping abreast of the swiftly evolving landscape of AI software development. His primary concern lies in the proliferation of AI-generated videos, where individuals are manipulated to utter entirely fictitious statements, encompassing virtually any conceivable content. 

This development compounds the disinformation threat akin to that posed by entities such as Russian troll farms. Notably, in Germany, the surge in advanced AI coincides with a sociopolitical climate marked by populism, further complicating the disinformation conundrum. Christiane Schenderlein, spokesperson for cultural and media affairs in the Bundestag representing the center-right Christian Democratic Union, laments the blurring of fact and misinformation deliberately orchestrated to elicit emotional responses within political discourse.

Using AI as a defense against AI disinformation

Amidst the skepticism, Sven Weizenegger, head of the German military’s “Cyber Innovation Hub,” offered a contrasting perspective. He argued that technology could be a powerful tool in safeguarding democracy, asserting that the Bundeswehr is developing algorithms capable of distinguishing between true and false information. Weizenegger emphasized that such AI applications were already in use, impacting strategic decision-making in the analog world. 

He cited the Ukrainian army’s success in significantly reducing ammunition usage by deploying AI programs on the front lines, contrasting it with Russia’s conventional warfare tactics. In this way, technology not only poses challenges but also presents opportunities for enhancing national security and democratic resilience.

The intersection of AI and disinformation sparks intense debate, raising questions about transparency, regulation, and the role of technology in modern society. While concerns abound regarding AI’s capacity to manipulate perceptions and emotions, some believe that technology can be harnessed to safeguard democracy and combat misinformation. As the world grapples with the challenges posed by AI in the information age, the need for thoughtful solutions becomes increasingly apparent.
