Dormant Bitcoin Whale Shifted $BTC Worth $25M for the First Time

The movement of funds from different accounts in a single day shocked the crypto space. According to the report of, the world’s gateway of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions of Dormant Bitcoin ($BTC) has recently moved for the first time in 11 years after appreciation. 

What is Dormant Bitcoin? 

The movement of $BTC for the first time in 11 years seeks the attention of crypto enthusiasts towards the respective concept. Dormant Bitcoin, also known as sleeping Bitcoin, is a type of Bitcoin address that has no transaction activities for a particular time period with a non-zero balance.

As of July 2020, the total number of all the dormant Bitcoin addresses holds 98.7% of the BTC amount stored within the Dormant Bitcoin addresses. There are around 121,435 addresses holding a total balance of 3,709,302 BTC.    

These addresses remain inactive with a non-zero balance and got attention recently when a Dormant Bitcoin Whale shifted around $25 Million for the first time. The action was observed for the first time in the past 11 days, after appreciating by more than 240,000%. 

Who is Behind the Shift? 

Based on the report of, the whole scenario is not yet clear. It isn’t observed whether the entire cache of BTC was shifted by a single whale or a number of entities. The main reason behind the same is the movement of funds from different addresses. However, it is assumed that the whole action was taken by a single entity. 

Going down to the details, different amount of transactions were made from different wallets. The transactions were made after the other dormant BTC whales moved a significant amount of funds. 

However, there is no particular reason observed behind the same. The whale’s first transaction involved around 199.99 BTC which is around $5.4 Million, and is followed by 8 other transactions. In addition to this, the second transaction involved around 185.12 BTC which is worth around $5 Million.

Surprisingly, all these Bitcoins were secured in July 2012 when BTC was worth $7.15, comprising 97.41 BTC which is around $2.6 Million. Additionally, the final transaction was made from an address created on July 20, 2012, and transferred around 151.15 BTC valued at around $4 Million.

Further, the transaction is made when the bankruptcy cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, gets approval from the US Court for the District of Delaware to invest and sell its crypto funds. The approval is to settle the debt with creditors worth around $3 Billion. Also, the FTX cryptocurrency exchange is expected to surpass $3.4 Billion.           


A transaction of $BTC worth $25 Million is observed after the other dormant BTC whales moved a significant amount of funds. The approval of FTX by the US court to settle the debt with creditors shocked the crypto holders. As a result, 9 different transactions were observed.

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