Chainlink’s BUILD Program Adds Web3 Reputation Protocol TopScore, 4% of Tokens to Be Distributed to Chainlink Service Providers

Chainlink's BUILD Program Adds Web3 Reputation Protocol TopScore, 4% of Tokens to Be Distributed to Chainlink Service Providers

Key highlights:

  • Rather than separate profiles and scores all over the place, TopScore wants to track things like your social media engagement, DeFi activity, event attendance and more to give you one unified score that follows you everywhere.
  • Accuracy is crucial for a reputation system to work. This is where Chainlink comes in as the trustworthy bridge between blockchains and real-world data sources.
  • By using Chainlink oracles, TopScore can be sure it’s basing scores on real, verified info rather than made up numbers. TopScore has joined Chainlink’s BUILD program to soup up its efforts.

Web3 space is heating up with innovative new projects attempting to disrupt the status quo. One such project is TopScore, a Web3 reputation protocol working to reshape how users build and represent themselves online. They’ve joined forces with industry leader Chainlink to take their vision to new heights through the Chainlink BUILD program.

What is TopScore?

TopScore aims to establish a universally recognized on-chain reputation score based on a variety of online and Web3 activity. Rather than seeing yourself as isolated profiles on different websites and platforms, with TopScore you will have one quantifiable reputation that represents your overall digital footprint.

The protocol tracks meaningful metrics beyond just follower counts to give users a holistic picture. This includes engagement across social networks, participation in DeFi and other Web3 spaces, event attendance, and more. With all these signals combined into one score, your identity and credibility become portable across the amorphous Web3 landscape.

Building trust through transparency

For a reputation score to be truly valuable, it needs to be based on accurate and verifiable data. That’s where Chainlink and its industry-leading oracle solutions come in. As the de facto infrastructure for off-chain data on blockchain networks, Chainlink ensures TopScore can securely obtain information from a variety of sources.

Without trustworthy data, a reputation score is just an arbitrary number. But with oracles removing single points of failure, users can have confidence that their identity score accurately reflects their real-world impacts and accomplishments. This transparency builds the foundation for use cases like credit evaluations, community moderation, and much more.

Leveling Up with Chainlink BUILD

TopScore joins an impressive lineup of projects in Chainlink’s BUILD program, which provides valuable resources like engineering support, early access to new products, and more. In exchange, TopScore will distribute 4% of its supply to Chainlink node operators and other service providers over time.

This mutually-beneficial union will strengthen both ecosystems. TopScore gains robust infrastructure to scale its vision, while Chainlink community members receive new incentives to contribute their expertise. With Chainlink’s expansive network behind it, TopScore can now work towards faster mainstream adoption of on-chain reputation scoring.

After the partnership announcement, Chainlink’s price rose 0.31% to around $6.04. According to CoinCodex, Chainlink end-of-month price is predicted to reach $6.33 within a week and $7.74 by next month. However, 2023 sentiment remains bearish overall.

As the identity space matures, projects like TopScore will play a big role in shaping how users represent themselves online, both on Web2 platforms and the emerging Web3 stack. By aligning with the Chainlink team, TopScore is priming itself to become the reputational layer connecting these worlds together through reliable, universal digital identities.
