A Tale Of Financial Freedom And Unexpected Costs

I have an interesting dog story to share this week. A few weeks ago, my wife and I went on an overnight trip to meet my son’s fiancée’s parents for the first time. We were really looking forward to it.

We left for just one night and had a reliable pet sitter taking care of our dog, Dixie. She’s a Belgian Malinois, a breed known for its energy and intelligence. Dixie is very attached to our family.

However, when we returned, Dixie seemed unwell. We later discovered that while we were away, she had eaten part of the rug out of distress from our absence.

We rushed Dixie to the vet as soon as we noticed her condition. The vet started treating her, and with each passing minute, the estimated cost of treatment kept increasing. Despite my initial reluctance to spend a lot on pet care, when I looked into Dixie’s eyes, I saw her strong desire to survive. I decided to do whatever was necessary to save her.

The veterinarians did an excellent job, performing procedures to remove and clean the ingested material. A few weeks later, Dixie was back to her normal self, happily roaming around.

This experience taught me about the importance of financial freedom—having the means to handle both expected and unexpected expenses. Over the years, I’ve come to define financial freedom in two ways. Firstly, it’s having enough household income to cover bills and unforeseen costs. Secondly, it’s about building business value to create a financial safety net. What’s your target for achieving financial freedom?

To attain both stable household income and business valuation, you need a financial plan. I recommend using a spreadsheet or a tool similar to what banks use. Chart your financial plan for the next three to five years, considering different scenarios to find the most efficient path.

As your business value grows, you might even consider taking a partial liquidity step before succession, diversifying your risk by withdrawing some funds.

Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in discussing how to create a financial plan and effectively follow through. When the timing is right, I’d love to chat about your next moves.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2023/09/08/caring-for-dixie-a-tale-of-financial-freedom-and-unexpected-costs/