Biden Administration Will Cancel Trump-Era Oil And Gas Leases In Alaskan Wildlife Refuge


The Biden Administration plans to announce the cancellation of oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, according to multiple reports, a move that comes more than two years after the administration suspended the leases.

Key Facts

The reversal of the drilling program, which was approved by the Trump Administration in 2017 but never officially started, will rescind leases held by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, according to the New York Times.

Seven leases in the refuge were issued to the Export Authority one day before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, which removed decades worth of protections for the 19-million acre swath of land.

The Biden Administration’s planned nixing of the oil and gas leases arrives one month after a federal judge ruled the administration’s 2021 suspension of the leases was valid.

The United States Department of the Interior, which Reuters reported would announce the news Wednesday, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Chief Critic

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority told the Times in August the cancellation of leases would hurt the state’s revenue and job market. Randy Ruaro, the industrial development and export authority executive director, said the need for jobs was “especially true for rural areas such as Northern Alaska,” according to the Times.


The Biden Administration has a mixed track record with oil production. In 2020, Biden promised to move away from the use of fossil fuels—a promise at odds with his administration’s auction of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico. Chevron and Exxon Mobil led the auction with several bids in a sale that brought in nearly $264 million. Biden also approved a controversial drilling project in Alaska earlier this year known as the Willow project. The project was priced between $8 billion and $10 billion and will reportedly generate $8.7 billion in royalties and tax revenues, according to ConocoPhillips, Alaska’s largest crude oil producer.

Key Background

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to a massive range of animals from bears and caribou to birds and fish. Spanning 19.64 million acres, the refuge is home to five ecological regions including coastal marine, coastal plain tundra, alpine tundra, forest-tundra transition and boreal forest areas. Prior to Trump’s departure from the White House, the former president’s administration conducted a last-minute auction for oil and gas leases on the refuge that netted $14.4 million from the Export Authority and two oil companies—though none of the involved parties were ever able to use the leases.

Further Reading

Biden Approves Controversial Alaska Oil Drilling Project—Here’s What You Need To Know (Forbes)

Trump Administration To Auction Off Arctic Refuge Drilling Rights Before Biden’s Inauguration (Forbes)
