After $250,000 Losses in Scam, Token Founder Takes Legal Battle to; This AI Crypto Project Impresses Its Investors With Over $2.2 M Raised

The crypto world is no stranger to scams and fraudulent activities. The most recent in this long line of suspicious dealings surrounds Glow Token LLC, which alleges that after falling prey to an elaborate scam,, one of the industry’s leading exchanges, owes them a substantial amount. However, amidst the uncertainty, there are top ICOs like InQubeta standing out with their impressive presale milestones, capturing the attention and trust of investors globally.

InQubeta: An AI Crypto Gem?

In an industry riddled with deception, InQubeta emerges as a beacon of promise. This AI-based crypto crowdfunding platform managed to raise over $2.2 million in its ongoing presale phase, clearly emphasizing its viability and the trust it instills in its investor base. This achievement is no ordinary feat, especially because it came during turbulent times when some of the best altcoins are facing the music.

But what’s so special about InQubeta?

The platform offers a unique proposition – making AI startups, often touted as the next big thing in technology, accessible to common investors. With the QUBE token, InQubeta simplifies the complex world of startup investments, allowing holders to stake, earn rewards, and even lay claim to some of the coolest NFTs. The clear roadmap, coupled with the deflationary model of the QUBE token, has garnered immense trust, leading to its resounding presale success.


The Legal Battle Surrounding

As InQubeta flourishes with its innovative plans, there’s a storm brewing in another corner of the crypto world. Glow Token LLC, headed by its CEO Bryan Lawrence, finds itself in a precarious situation after falling victim to an apparent scam.

As per the documents filed, Lawrence was led to believe he was in direct negotiations with representatives. After exhaustive communication and documentation exchanges, he transferred a significant amount to an account, with a misconception that it belonged to However, the real later denied any such engagement, suggesting that Lawrence was duped by imposters.

Lawrence claims that he took every necessary precaution to ensure the deal’s legitimacy, mentioning his exhaustive due diligence process. His conviction is evident as he now wages a legal battle, emphasizing that the details he received were provided by multiple representatives from

The Need for Security in Crypto Operations

The events surrounding Glow Token and underscore the importance of vigilance in the world of cryptocurrency. With scams becoming increasingly sophisticated, entities, both big and small, must double down on their verification processes to safeguard their interests.

However, the emergence of projects like InQubeta, which maintain transparency and have clear, tangible goals, offer investors some solace. Having been audited by Hacken, and KYC verified by Block Audit, InQubeta gives paramount importance to the safety and security of the investors.


The contrasting tales of Glow Token’s legal battle and InQubeta’s impressive presale underscore the dual nature of the crypto world. While scams and fraudulent activities cast shadows, platforms like InQubeta shine brightly, proving that with diligence, innovation, and transparency, success is achievable.

As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, it becomes imperative to align with platforms that not only promise growth but also ensure safety and transparency.

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