First Ever Web3 Gaming Space in the Star Atlas  

First Ever Web3 Gaming Space in the Star Atlas  

The Star Atlas team made an announcement about the official launch of SAGE labs. The platform is ready to boom the gaming experience of users by offering a next-gen gaming metaverse. It is a combination of art blockchain, decentralized financial technologies, real-time graphics, and multiplayer video games. 

SAGE Labs Insights 

On August 16, the Star Atlas team sought the attention of users, mainly gaming enthusiasts. The announcement was related to the official launch of SAGE Labs, a browser-based Web3 gaming space to be run over the Solana blockchain. The motive is to introduce new, core game logic, and advance the current building blocks of the gameplay features. Star Atlas is a massively-multiplayer online metaverse allowing players to join a faction, earn real-world income, and directly influence the course of the metaverse. The platform came up with a new concept to engage gamers with the platform in a more active form.

The announcement made was simply an extension of the Star Atlas universe, offering players a browser-based, high-tech, and open-world experience. SAGE serves as a gateway for Web3 gaming and is tailored for play-to-earn (P2E) players, offering an immersive gaming experience, all credit goes to Star Atlas.  

Focusing on the features and working, the platform is an advanced technology stack offering storage of the game logic and state over the Solana network. The arrangement permits the game to seamlessly integrate with the features of Star Atlas. It is soon to be released on Solana Mainnet, offering players exploration, extraction, and crafting. Over the platform, players will be allowed to use text-based menus to carry out resource-consuming actions along with using the 2D navigation map in the vast space of the 51-star system. In addition, players have permission to continue or discontinue any of the action in real time with the integration of the Star Atlas ecosystem.   

The expansion of space begins from a fraction of the Central Space Station, from where users can move to other star systems to explore deeper space to collect fleets. Extracting is another important feature of the SAGE platform, allowing users to extract resources and use them for crafting. Crafting assists players in creating materials and developing valuable components.                 

The Golden Ticket Event 

Apart from all these advances and features, the game also features a $1.5 Million Golden Ticket event, split into two parts. The first phase allows players to take part in the redemption program helping individuals to redeem ships, CSS land NFTs, and claim stakes. The second part is a weekly drawing worth $150K USDC in VWAP per week, a total of $1.2 Million in VWAP, and requires a Golden Ticket. The ticket made it easy for the players to claim any prize.       


Star Atlas announced the launch of SAGE Labs, a browser-based Web3 gaming space on the Solana network. The key purpose behind the launch is to offer an advanced, immersive, and outstanding gaming experience to gamers over an online platform. SAGE labs allow players with actions like exploring, extracting, and crafting.    

Steve Anderrson
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