NFT Marketplace Rarible Sees Growth After Sticking to Royalties

NFT marketplace Rarible has seen a delicate rise in sales volume. This is after the announcement that it would not entertain orders from the famous competitor, OpenSea. In a way, the marketplace is showing its concern with OpenSea’s decision to not enforce royalties.

Alex Salnikov, co-founder of Rarible, has made this public statement of not supporting a marketplace that neglects the royalties. By September 30, 2023, it will not aggregate orders from OpenSea, LooksRare, and X2Y2. He also emphasizes that royalties are the heart of decentralization, it’s a confirmation that defines the creator’s value in every transaction made.

Trading Volume of Rarible Shows Increase

DappRadar, the analytics platform, shows that the trading volume of Rarible on August 23, has jumped approximately $33.85. In February 2023, OpenSea declared that it had dropped competing in Blur, which is another platform that does not enforce creator royalties. Continuing this on August 17, 2023, OpenSea has decided to shut down its royalty operating filter.

However, the July data from Nansen, the analytics firm, show that after the announcement, the Ethereum-based NFT projects have hit a two-year low. The decision taken by OpenSea has forced other NFT projects to retract their support for the marketplace.

Rarible Decision To Support Royalties

The secondary marketplace OpenSea is being opposed by many NFT creators and investors. This includes famous names like Mark Cuban.

The step taken has shown discontent among the creators and artists. This leads to support and movement to other platforms which are in favor of royalties. Rarible shows the view to maintain the creator royalties. Thus, Rarible has decided to remove OpenSea, and Blur from their aggregation data. The commitment to royalties shows their outlook towards the support to craters and the project.

It is a user-friendly platform that allows creators to showcase their artwork. The process of listing the artwork is the same as any other platform. For this first setting up an account and associating it with a wallet is necessary. 

This provides a way to upload the work and set the price for it. The royalties fee is 10% on Rarible. Every transaction made on the platform charges a fee of 1%. The creators are allowed to set a royalty rate of up to 50%. 

It is necessary to mention that the royalty fees are paid to the original creator of the NFT. After the initial sale, royalty is a way to pay for the creator by the buyer. It acts as a passive income.


Rarible, the NFT marketplace has seen delicate growth. The marketplace adheres to the decision to move ahead with royalties. In a way, it has joined the community in opposing the decision of OpenSea to degrade the operating filter of enforced royalty. It has also declared to not aggregate the orders from OpenSea and Blur.

Nancy J. Allen
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