Conflux & Cardano humbled by VC Spectra presale gains

While Conflux (CFX) and Cardano (ADA) are well-known names in crypto, they’ve struggled to be relevant of late. This has led investors to the enticing presale gains of VC Spectra (SPCT). This disruptive crypto-based hedge fund shows no signs of slowing down in popularity as investors anticipate its launch.

So, how do you get on board with VC Spectra? Find out later as we look at the latest for Conflux and Cardano.

Conflux (CFX) is recognized as one of the top cryptos in Africa

A recent report by CoinGecko put Conflux among the top traded coins in Africa. However, Conflux (CFX) isn’t making any headway in other global regions. As a result, activity for Conflux has dramatically declined.

A look at Conflux’s block explorer shows daily transactions going from 114,638 on July 27, 2023, to 9,480 at the time of writing. The price also correlates with this picture, beginning a downtrend from June 23, 2023. Since this period, Conflux (CFX) has decreased 39% from $0.27 to $0.17.

This sustained bearish pressure sees most forecasters suggesting the token is unlikely to return to the recent high by the end of the year.

Cardano ranked much higher than Conflux, is also struggling to gain traction.

Bitcoin wrapping is now possible on Cardano (ADA)

While a well-known project, Cardano continues to polarize. Charles Hoskinson, Cardano’s co-founder, is often on the news for making Ethereum references or fighting back against the naysayers. His recent tweet confidently stated, ‘Cardano is here to stay,’ since critics declare its downfall. 

Yet, the data does suggest a surprising decline in usage. According to Artemis, daily transactions, active addresses, and total value have dipped in the past two months. Still, Cardano (ADA) continues to be innovative. Most recently, users can now ‘wrap’ Bitcoin on the former using anetaBTC. Such a game-changing development should see Cardano capitalize on Bitcoin’s multi-billion-dollar liquidity. 

This should hopefully stimulate the price, currently down 27% from $0.37 to $0.37. Still, predictors believe Cardano (ADA) could reach a minimum of $0.50 before 2024. 

Yet, this would be a modest return compared to VC Spectra, set to quickly 2x soon.

VC Spectra (SPCT) takes center stage in decentralized asset management

VC Spectra is a brand-new decentralized asset management platform with trading capabilities to produce unmatched profits in emerging blockchain and tech ventures. Moreover, the service will uphold sustainable and transparent investing through its operations and those of the companies it backs.

VC Spectra (SPCT) also focuses on autonomy courtesy of smart contracts, taking care of operations like splitting profits among users and securely storing funds. Thus, VC Spectra is trustless, running like a well-oiled machine without human intervention.


The platform gets even better with its utility token, SPCT, which provides enticing perks. These include dividends through buybacks, voting rights, and exclusive access to discounted initial coin offerings before they get publicized.

$0.025, the price of SPCT in Stage 2 of VC Spectra’s presale, sets the wheels in motion for being a stakeholder in this innovative platform. Needless to say, you’ll want to buy as many tokens as possible with this low price before it jumps further.

Current buyers can realize more substantial potential once VC Spectra (SPCT) officially launches. By this point, they should bank on incredible gains, as the expected price for SPCT is $0.08, 220% higher than the current price.

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:-

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