Stellar Development Foundation Joins Bytecode Alliance

Stellar Development Foundation Joins Bytecode Alliance

Key highlights:

  • The Stellar Development Foundation is future-proofing blockchain development by joining the Bytecode Alliance.
  • This nonprofit is advancing WebAssembly, a programming language that offers high performance smart contracts while using less resources.
  • By participating in the Alliance, SDF hopes to steer WebAssembly’s evolution to fully support unique blockchain needs. They want to ensure this emerging standard can power the next generation of decentralized apps and financial services.

The Stellar Development Foundation is taking steps to ensure developers have the tools and resources they need to build the next generation of blockchain applications. As announced on Twitter, SDF has officially joined the Bytecode Alliance- a nonprofit working to advance the WebAssembly programming language.

What is WebAssembly?

But first, what is WebAssembly (Wasm for short)? In simple terms, Wasm is a new type of code that runs faster than JavaScript, uses less memory, and can power applications on everything from websites to blockchain networks. Rather than being compiled to machine code like traditional programs, Wasm is assembled in a format the web browser and other environments can run directly. This makes it perfectly suited to power smart contracts and decentralized applications.

Building on bedrock

When the Stellar team began work on Soroban, their smart contract platform, choosing WebAssembly as the underlying language was a no-brainer. As SDF blog explains, “Wasm offers a robust execution environment for smart contracts and a thriving ecosystem.” It allows Soroban to offer developers high performance, portability between platforms, and strong security. But SDF didn’t stop there.

Shaping the future

By joining the Bytecode Alliance, SDF aims to do more than just utilize WebAssembly themselves. Their goal is to actively participate in steering the evolution of the technology to support blockchain use cases. Through collaboration with industry leaders and academics, SDF wants to ensure the unique needs of decentralized applications are heard. They understand standards that accommodate blockchains will open doors for more innovation across the industry.

Bridging perspectives

Getting involved in the Alliance is a savvy move. SDF gains a seat at the table where WebAssembly decisions are made. This lets them advocate for blockchain developers and provide a bridge between the worlds of traditional web programming and decentralized ledgers. With their perspective, tools can be crafted with an eye towards powering the next generation of decentralized services and financial applications.

In the CoinCodex price prediction model, Stellar is trending sideways in the short term with the key of support level at $0.12. Long term, targets become loftier.

On-chain activity like transactions and unique addresses shows usage steadily rising in 2022 and 2023 to date.

YearYearly LowYearly High
2024$ 0.099287$ 0.605416
2025$ 0.203419$ 0.662311
2026$ 0.121156$ 0.248820
2027$ 0.102876$ 0.183401
2028$ 0.108821$ 1.010410
2029     $ 0.295494 $ 1.133370
2030$ 0.140573  $ 0.378390  

Long-term Stellar price prediction for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030  

Room to grow

While Wasm is well-suited for blockchains now, its potential has only begun to be tapped. As the technology innovates, who knows what opportunities may emerge? By joining forces with the Bytecode Alliance, SDF secures a role in unlocking those future possibilities. With their input, WebAssembly can be advanced in a way that services both current demands and inspires whole new ecosystems built on its capabilities. Exciting times are ahead as these collaborations start to bear fruit.

While SDF relies on WebAssembly for Soroban today, their sights are set much higher. By empowering developers with tools they need now, groundwork gets laid for innovations not yet imaginable. Membership in the Bytecode Alliance is just the start of ensuring blockchains remain at the forefront of what’s possible with emerging tech standards.
