China to extend its Social Credit System across the metaverse

POLITICO recently shared a new report offering insights into China’s upcoming plans regarding the online sphere.

The report suggests China plans to extend its renowned social credit system across the metaverse. The system will also be applicable to other virtual worlds, showcasing the growing prominence of the virtual domain.

The nation has proposed a digital ID system including every user in the metaverse. China Mobile, the renowned telecom corporation, is already working on the solution. The ID system will rely on both social and natural characteristics to be unique. 

The primary objective behind the system is to maintain proper law and order digitally. The digital ID system will include a wide array of personal data and characteristics. The proposed plan also suggests participation from appropriate authorities to share the data.

The new system will make it possible for law enforcement to easily find a troublesome user. At the same time, it will assist the authorities to take the necessary action. For example, lawmakers will be able to identify and reprimand users who spread rumors and ensure chaos in the metaverse.

As many people have pointed out, the plan is keenly similar to China’s tried and tested social credit system. This system was designed to evaluate and rank people based on their behavioral variables. It acts as a control mechanism to determine who can access the services based on their score. 

While the idea of establishing necessary security protocols across the metaverse seems beneficial, the news has also triggered concerns. Many users are worried about their privacy and constant monitoring.

Moreover, the concern of maintaining a balance between individual rights and upholding order is also prevalent among users. No further information has been shared about the plan and its effects. However, it will certainly change how China and other nations experience the metaverse.
