Nasdaq and top tech stocks [Video]

Stock Market Report: Trading NASDAQ Stocks: Apple (AAPL),Tesla (TSLA), Amazon (AMZN), Nvidia (NVDA), Microsoft MSFT, Meta Platforms, Netflix (NFLX), Alphabet GOOGL.
Stock Market Summary: The current move down in most cases needs to be viewed as Wave A, so any move up would be a Wave B. There are stocks like NVDA and GOOGL that are different and are likely to make new highs and these two are probably the safest long trades.

Video chapters

00:00 NASDAQ 100 
04:33 Apple (AAPL)
11:00 Amazon (AMZN)
15:53 Meta Platforms (META)
20:19 Netflix (NFLX) 
23:19 Alphabet (GOOGL)
26:23 Microsoft MSFT
29:25 Tesla (TSLA)
