The Unbearable Nothingness of Yield Curve Inversion

An “inverted” yield curve is a scenario defined by higher yields on short-term Treasury debt versus lower yields on longer-term Treasury debt. The seeming oddity of inversion is short-term debt paying greater income streams than longer-term debt. Ok, who cares? Exactly.

But wait, free market leaning inversion devotees tell us, yield curve inversion signals a “tight” Federal Reserve. Worse, the free market leaning say, the so-called “tightness” that results in yield-curve inversion has predicted all eight of the last eight recessions. Scary stuff? Not really.

For one, and as logic dictates, so-called “recessions” are a signal of roaring economic growth on the way. The previous truth isn’t a call for more recessions as much as it’s a comment that periods of slower economic growth are a broader signal that the individuals and companies that comprise what we call an “economy” are fixing their errors that brought on the slow growth in the first place.

To which the free market leaning will reply that recessions allegedly born of yield curve inversion are artificial, as in they’re Fed induced. Yield curve inversion is said to signal a “tight” Fed restraining the flow of credit. That’s hard to take seriously. At all.

To take it seriously is to seriously believe that the most dynamic economy on earth is reliant on proper central planning of credit’s cost and availability by individuals with names like Bernanke, Yellen and Powell. The very notion is so backwards as to insult backwards. To avoid recession we need better central planning? More realistically, if we were reliant on people like Ben Bernanke for our economic vitality we would presently be too poor and technologically too primitive to fund such esoteric economic modeling. Instead of economists wringing their hands over the term structure of interest rates, they would be working in the fields.

Back to some semblance of reason, credit is not allocated by central bankers, rather it’s produced. We borrow money for what it can be exchanged for, which means the cost of capital is a function of production not just domestically, but around the world.

That credit is a global endeavor looms large in the yield curve discussion. To focus on the Fed and its rate fiddling not only flatters central bankers who rate no flattering, it also presumes that the U.S. economy is some kind of closed shop to credit. Except that it isn’t. The only closed economy is the world economy, at which point so-called Fed “tightness” wouldn’t mean anything even if it meant something. Those with resources (credit) are relentlessly searching for ways to direct resources to their highest use, so even if the Fed could decree expensive borrowing, this would merely create humongous opportunities for global credit sources.

Considering the yield curve itself, some say Treasury debt of rising maturities is a benchmark for providers of actual credit, and that an inversion distorts credit. Oh please. If Fed “tightness” foretold inversions and recessions, market actors would logically work around (achieving great profits on the way) the “tightness” ahead of time. Furthermore, such a view implies that in order for credit markets to function, Treasury has to issue all sorts of debt meant to fund the waste of people with names like McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi and McCarthy. It’s once again not serious.

What’s serious is the cost of credit. It’s easily the most important price in the world. That it is tells us that if the Fed could control it, the U.S. economy would be too desperate to track in the first place.

It’s just a reminder that assuming “inversion” always precedes recession, that the alleged correlation is entirely coincidental. That is so because if government could control the cost and amount of credit, the economy would never not be incredibly weak.
