George Santos’ Ex-Fundraiser Charged With Impersonating Top Aide Of House Speaker McCarthy During Donation Requests


Samuel Miele, a former fundraiser for disgraced Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), was indicted Tuesday for allegedly impersonating an aide of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to solicit campaign contributions—a charge that comes months after reports claimed Miele impersonated Dan Meyer, McCarthy’s chief of staff, in calls and emails to donors.

Key Facts

Miele was charged with aggravated identity theft and four counts of wire fraud linked to financial contributions given to Santos’ campaign.

The count of aggravated identity theft, which prosecutors said took place in 2021 from August to December, did not identify the person Miele allegedly impersonated—though reports and a complaint filed to the Federal Election Commission early this year claim Miele identified himself as Meyer.

Miele worked during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles for Santos, who was hit with federal wire fraud and money laundering charges in May.

Prosecutors said in a Wednesday filing that it “may be appropriate” to reassign the cases against Miele and Santos to one judge who can handle both, which “may result in a significant savings of judicial resources and serve the interests of justice.”

Miele, Santos and McCarthy were not immediately available for comment, though Miele’s attorney, Kevin Marino, told the Daily Beast on Wednesday that his client is not guilty and “looks forward to complete vindication at trial as soon as possible.”

Key Background

In February, liberal political action committee End Citizens United alleged in a FEC filing that Miele impersonated Meyer to solicit campaign donations. The filing further alleged that hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised “under false pretenses.” Miele’s charges add on to several others levied against Santos and his campaign. In May, Santos was charged with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds and two counts of making false statements to Congress while running for office. Santos pleaded not guilty to his charges and was released on $500,000 bond.

Further Reading

‘We were duped’: How George Santos raised money from wealthy GOP donors while lying about his resume (CNBC)

Here Are The Allegations Against George Santos, Indicted On Fraud Charges (Forbes)

George Santos Pleads Not Guilty To Fraud Charges (Forbes)
