Uniswap Fires Developer Accused of Siphoning $25k in Memecoin Rugpull

  • Uniswap developer AzFlin rugged a meme coin project called FrensTech.
  • He withdrew the liquidity he added and pocketed the 14 ETH funds.
  • Uniswap fired the developer AzFlin for his actions.

A prominent employee of Uniswap, the most popular decentralized exchange, has come under damning allegations of a crypto scam. In a recent tweet, pseudonymous UniswapVillain notified the crypto community that AzFlin, a Uniswap developer, rugged a meme coin project a few hours after creating it. 

The meme coin project in question was FrensTech (FRENS). UniswapVillain noted that AzFlin rugged the FrensTech project by withdrawing the support he previously added that enabled the FRENS coin to be traded. 

Specifically, after accumulating 14 Ethereum (ETH) tokens in fees, valued at over 25,800, AzFlin allegedly removed the liquidity and pocked the accumulated funds. The developer carried out the fraudulent action via the Hop Protocol, a decentralized bridge that allows users to transfer tokens between different blockchains. 

Furthermore, UniswapVillain mentioned that the developer did not only remove the liquidity from the meme project. He noted that AzFlin equally sold the coins whose liquidity he had withdrawn. UniswapVillain emphasized that the situation was particularly concerning given that AzFlin and his affiliation with Uniswap was public knowledge. 

Uniswap CEO Reacts

Hayden Adams, the founder and CEO of Uniswap, took to X (fka Twitter) to react to the situation concerning the employee under him. Adams proclaimed that the company already fired AzFlin. The CEO said AzFlin’s behavior was at variance with the company’s operating policy. 

Meanwhile, AzFlin confirmed the development via his X account. Interestingly, he revealed that his inbox had been flooded with people offering him support and promise of employment.

Source: https://coinedition.com/uniswap-fires-developer-accused-of-siphoning-25k-in-memecoin-rugpull/