XRP Active Addresses Jump to 200,000, Here’s Why

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Arman Shirinyan

XRP’s network seeing solid recovery, which put number of active address close to local top

The XRP network is witnessing an unmistakable revival. Active addresses on the network are nearing the 200,000 mark, a metric suggesting that despite recent price setbacks, the underlying strength of the network remains resilient. So, what is driving this resurgence in activity?

Backtracking a bit, in the middle of July, Ripple Labs scored a monumental victory against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). XRP was declared not a security, a decision that sparked a significant rally in its price. Investors rejoiced, and the community felt vindicated.

XRP chart
Source: TradingView

However, the financial markets, especially in the crypto sphere, are never devoid of volatility. After the July rally, XRP experienced an almost monthlong downtrend, somewhat muddying the waters of the previous triumph. The descent culminated when XRP touched the $0.94 price level, only to retreat from it shortly after. This downtrend was indeed a cause of concern for many, leading to debates and speculation on the future trajectory of the coin.

Yet, amid this price turbulence, one metric has stood out, offering a silver lining: the substantial increase in XRP’s active addresses. The growing number of active addresses indicates that, despite the recent price drop, the user base and transactional activity on the XRP network remain strong.

This increase in active addresses can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the positive outcome in the lawsuit against the SEC likely restored confidence among many existing XRP holders and attracted new ones. The declaration of XRP as a nonsecurity might have been a beacon, signaling the asset’s legitimacy and potential for future growth.

Moreover, even though the rally after the SEC decision was followed by a dip, the very fact that XRP showed the capacity to rally indicates its underlying potential. Such market movements often attract traders and investors keen on capitalizing on price swings.

Source: https://u.today/xrp-active-addresses-jump-to-200000-heres-why