Brian Armstrong calls on U.S. lawmakers to sign on crypto bills

In a drive to press forward the growth of the cryptocurrency industry, Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, is turning the heat up on U.S. lawmakers. He’s called for action, using his influential position to push for the approval of two crucial cryptocurrency bills.

This urging is not without substance or reason but stems from Armstrong’s vision to provide the crypto space with the much-needed regulatory clarity it sorely needs.

Armstrong’s battle for crypto’s regulatory clarity

The bills, known as the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21 Century Act (FIT21) and the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act, could very well be game-changers for the cryptocurrency sector in America.

Given the unanimous approval by lawmakers on July 26, it appears that Armstrong’s campaign has started bearing fruit.

With the tug-of-war between securities and commodities regulators, these bills could be a beacon of clarity for crypto firms navigating the murky regulatory landscape.

Armstrong, at the helm of one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, is well aware of these challenges and understands the need for distinction between various types of digital assets.

His advocacy for FIT21 is not only about creating a favorable business environment but also about securing the digital assets of Americans and spurring innovation in the country.

Armstrong suggests that these bills could potentially pave the way for an influx of job opportunities. With a clearer regulatory framework, U.S. crypto companies previously considering international jurisdictions may instead choose to remain within the country’s borders, thereby nurturing local talent.

The global scramble amid regulatory uncertainty

Earlier this year, numerous cryptocurrency entities, unnerved by regulatory indecision, began seeking alternative locations globally. Armstrong himself undertook a mission to the United Arab Emirates in May, scouting its suitability as a strategic hub for Coinbase.

Around the same time, crypto exchange Gemini turned to Ireland to set up headquarters for its European operations, a move that underscored the so-called “war on crypto” transpiring on U.S. soil.

However, despite these apparent setbacks, Armstrong’s determination to engage with regulators remained undeterred.

Even in the face of ongoing challenges, he hosted casual ice cream chats with regulators in Washington D.C. and took part in private meetings with Congress members to discuss digital asset legislation.

This proactive approach embodies Armstrong’s commitment to ensuring the cryptocurrency industry’s healthy growth and resilience in America.

Armstrong’s call to action

Armstrong has sent out a clarion call to the American public to protect their crypto interests and the nation’s innovative potential.

His advocacy for the FIT21 bill is not just about overcoming regulatory hurdles, but it’s also a plea for unity and action among the crypto community and their representatives.

The FIT21 bill is expected to continue its legislative journey, and Armstrong has underscored the importance of this process. He asserts that the bill’s evolution could potentially safeguard American digital assets, stimulate innovation, and fortify national security.

This moment, he emphasizes, is critical for the future of cryptocurrencies in the country. As the crypto arena waits with bated breath, Armstrong continues his relentless campaign for the beneficial evolution of this transformative technology within the American landscape.

By using his influential voice, Armstrong hopes to ensure that the power of crypto and blockchain is not only recognized but fully harnessed for the benefit of all stakeholders within the United States.
