The Case Of Greta Thunberg’s Deleted Tweet — What Alarmists Need To Hear

In June 2018, climate activist Greta Thunberg fired off an urgent tweet: “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

Here we are five years later, and people and the planet are still with us. What has vanished is not humanity and the earth but, rather, that tweet.

This episode of What’s Ahead points out that the apocalyptic language surrounding the climate has done a deep disservice to humanity. It has led to incredibly wasteful and ineffectual spending.

The psychological costs have also been immense. Many people, particularly younger ones, live in fear that the end is nigh, too often leading to debilitating depression about the future. A look at the facts would demolish those apocalyptic anxieties.

Alarmists should cool it and recognize the power of human ingenuity in overcoming problems.

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