Understanding bitsCrunch Incentivized Testnet : Transforming NFT Landscape

Understanding bitsCrunch Incentivized Testnet : Transforming NFT Landscape
  • Testnet launch supported by CoinList, a renowned crypto exchange.
  • The bitsCrunch invites all users to actively participate in Task 3.

The bitsCrunch Network Testnet has been officially launched and is now accessible to the public, offering participants an opportunity to immerse themselves in the future of transparency and AI-driven data accessibility within the realm of NFTs. 

The bitsCrunch Network’s incentivized testnet is in progress, specifically on Task 3. CoinList, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange platform, played a crucial role in facilitating the launch of the bitsCrunch Testnet. This phase allows participants to actively engage with the platform’s activities and earn incentives as a result. 

The bitsCrunch network is a decentralized data platform that leverages AI technology to offer a wide range of analytics, forensics, and compliance tools specifically designed for NFTs. The ongoing incentivized testnet of bitsCrunch has successfully onboarded 54 operators for Task 1, showcasing a remarkable combined staked Total Value Locked (TVL) surpassing $3 billion and a user base of over a million.

The bitsCrunch invites all users to actively participate in Task 3, engaging in various activities on the Unleash NFTs platform. UnleashNFTs is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform that serves as an analytics and forensic dashboard for NFTs. It offers users reliable insights into both established and emerging NFT collections, marketplaces, and the overall NFT market. 

Unlocking NFT Potential: UnleashNFTs

By providing in-depth analysis, research, and statistics, UnleashNFTs empowers users to make informed decisions regarding the buying and selling of non-fungible tokens. It also offers crucial indicators such as market capitalization, trading volume, and other trading activities. Furthermore, UnleashNFTs provides valuable insights into wash trading. That involves the artificial manipulation of security demand by traders engaging in repetitive buying and selling.

Task 3 involves evaluating the performance, stability, and scalability of the bitsCrunch network API by actively engaging with the UnleashNFTs platform and completing various activities.  For Round 1 of the testnet program, bitsCrunch has earmarked 4,600,000 tokens, out of which 1,500,000 tokens have been exclusively reserved for Task 3. These tokens will be awarded to the top 1,000 participants based on their rankings.  From July 1st until the end of August, Task 3 of the bitsCrunch testnet is active. Allowing users to earn points by completing a range of tasks. These tasks will be refreshed regularly, either on a daily or weekly basis, at any point during this period. 

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Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/understanding-bitscrunch-incentivized-testnet-transforming-nft-landscape/