Rudy Farias Wasn’t Missing For 8 Years Despite Mother’s Claims, Houston Police Confirm


Rudy Farias—the 25-year-old Houston man who reappeared last week after allegedly being missing for eight years—was not actually missing, Houston Police said Thursday during a press conference, in a case that has captivated many after neighbors disputed Farias was ever missing and accused his mother of making up the story.

Key Facts

Farias’ mother Janie Santana—who told reporters last weekend her son had been found outside a church miles away from their Houston home after being missing since March 2015—deceived authorities during their investigation, Houston Police said Thursday.

The Houston district attorney declined to bring charges against both Farias and Santana for making fictitious reports and failure to ID, police said at a press conference.

Houston Police said they discovered Farias returned home the day after he went missing, March 8, 2015, but despite his return, Santana continued to deceive police by alleging her son was still missing.

Farias’ and Santana had multiple contacts with Houston Police in the past eight years but used fictitious names when doing so, police said.

In the past few years, Santana claimed her nephew was the individual people had seen come and go from her home, when it was really Farias, police said.

Since Farias was “found” last week, some neighbors of the family have alleged he was the victim of sexual abuse, but police that there were no reports of sexual abuse during their interview with Farias.

Santana had previously claimed her son was kidnapped from Houston and taken to Mexico, but police said Thursday they didn’t have any information to confirm a kidnapping took place.

What We Don’t Know

It has yet to be determined whether Farias was a victim or an accomplice in his mother’s deception of the police. Police are still investigating a motive.

Key Background

Farias’ miraculous reappearance has captivated many this past week, especially as more information disputing the story has come out. Farias was found on June 29 outside a Houston church after a good samaritan found him unresponsive and called 911. During an interview with Fox 26 on Wednesday, Santana claimed her son was kidnapped and taken to Mexico before finding his way back to Houston. Earlier in the week, NBC News reported Farias was nonverbal and not able to communicate but working “to overcome his trauma.” But the more Santana said about her son’s alleged disappearance, the more neighbors disputed Farias was ever missing. On Wednesday, neighbors told local Houston outlet KTRK that Farias had been living with his mother for years and spent time with others in the neighborhood. Quanell X, a Houston activist, told reporters Wednesday that Farias was abused and held captive by his mother. Quanell X claimed Santana forced her son to sleep in bed with her without clothes and gave him “hallucination drugs, mushrooms.” Farias would visit neighbors under the pseudonym “Dolph” short for Randolph, Quanell X said.

Further Reading

What We Know About The Alleged 8-Year Disappearance Of Rudy Farias In Texas (Forbes)
