Litecoin Price Pumps – But Could These Coins Deliver 50x More Gains?

Litecoin ($LTC), like a large number of other well-known cryptocurrencies, is struggling with its price, primarily because of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit, which has had major consequences for the entire crypto world. Although Litecoin ($LTC) was not directly targeted, the fact is that this crypto is also feeling the consequences of this event. 

Recently, despite the situation, this crypto achieved a slight increase in value, so investors wondered if Litecoin ($LTC) price pumps will continue, or if it would be wiser to opt for cryptos that are set for bigger gains, such as the young but already viral ones Wall Street Memes ($WSM), Thug Life ($THUG) and Chimpzee ($CHMPZ). Let’s see what crypto analysts advise.

What can we expect from Litecoin ($LTC) by the end of the year?

The slight increase that Litecoin ($LTC) has recently achieved has made investors wonder how high could this crypto go during 2023, as well as whether at this moment $LTC is a good investment choice. Well, here’s how things stand.

Litecoin has managed to maintain itself as one of the most successful cryptos for a long time and even managed to maintain itself as the third cryptocurrency by market capitalization. However, many circumstances have led to a significant decrease in the faith of experts and investors in the future success of this crypto.

Litecoin did slightly increase its value and managed to hover around $110 for days. But comparing that value, with its former all-time high of $412.96, we can conclude that this crypto has still significantly lost its value. But let’s put his all-time high aside, and focus on future potential. 

According to the analysis of crypto experts, during the year 2023, the maximum value that Litecoin could reach is $142.60. However, crypto experts warn that it is possible that by the end of the year, the value of Litecoin will fall to a modest $123.46. From this, we conclude that, at least during 2023, Litecoin will not be able to achieve any significant increase in value, so it is a much wiser decision to turn to those cryptos that have real chances to deliver bigger gains.

Wall Street Memes is set for bigger gains than Litecoin!

Wall Street Memes ($WSM), is a viral meme coin that has been breaking all records since the first day of its presale, and shows great chances to surpass not only Litecoin ($LTC) but also some other, much more successful coins! 

WSM, according to expert analysis, could deliver 50x more gains already in the months to come! Experts base such positive predictions primarily on the results of the Wall Street Memes presale, during which, so far, more than $12.1 million has been raised! 

However, an additional reason that inspires hope for the future success of the $WSM token is certainly the fact that the Wall Street Memes “family” already has more than a million members (on Twitter, Telegram, etc.). 

Such large community support will certainly influence $WSM to get listed on top-tier exchanges, which will certainly push this viral meme coin to the very top, and help it achieve massive gains! Keep in mind that there is still very little time left until the Wall Street Memes presale is completed, so it would be wise to grab $WSM as soon as possible, and take advantage of the unique opportunity to invest in it at a price that will never be this good again!

>>>Buy Wall Street Memes Now<<<

Thug Life ($THUG) will, in the months to come, surpass ($LTC)!

Another crypto that will undoubtedly surpass Litecoin ($LTC), is currently one of the most popular meme coins, Thug Life ($THUG). Thug Life ($THUG) presale lasts only a few days, and “the baller’s meme coin” has already managed to raise almost $300,000! 

For its success, $THUG can primarily thank its uniqueness. This one-of-a-kind meme coin found inspiration in the “Thug Life” cultural movement and was inspired by famous hip-hoppers such as Snoop Dogg, Tupac Shakur, and others. 

$THUG is a kind of ode to these famous hip-hoppers, but at the same time it is an opportunity for all those who have felt injustice in their lives, a chance to deal with that injustice and turn their losses from the past into gains! Success is possible despite the injustices we face, and $THUG will prove it to you! Experts’ predictions show that this already popular crypto could achieve growth of 50-100X by the end of 2023, so hurry up and invest in it while its price is only $0.0007!

>>> Buy Thug Now<<<

Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) is, without a doubt, one of the best LTC alternatives!

If you are looking for a Litcoin ($LTC) alternative, be sure to check out Chimpzee ($CHMPZ), a coin that will allow you to earn income while doing a good deed for the whole planet. The Chimpzee ecosystem will provide you with a handful of benefits through a play-2-earn, shop-2-earn, and trade-2-earn approach. Playing the Chimpzee game, buying merchandise in the Chimpzee store, but also through receiving a share of trading fees from the Chimpzee NFT Marketplace, you will achieve a lot of benefits, and at the same time, you will fight against climate change and save animals! 

So, if you are environmentally conscious, Chimpzee should be your next choice! Through activities within the Chimpzee ecosystem, you will have the opportunity to win various prizes and of course additional $CHMPZ tokens. So, not only will you profit, but you will also be rewarded with a fantastic feeling of knowing that you are doing a good deed for yourself and the entire planet. $CHMPZ is one of those tokens that are predicted to have enormous growth and massive gains by the end of the year, so play smart and grab this one-of-a-kind eco-crypto at a great price of only $0.00067!

>>> Buy Chimpzee Now<<<


If you have already invested in Litecoin ($LTC), do not despair because this crypto will not achieve growth in value in the coming months, but turn to those cryptos that can achieve that! Take advantage of Wall Street Memes ($WSM), Thug Life ($THUG), and Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) being on presale right now, and grab them at great prices before they explode and achieve massive gains!


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