Zero Latency Leadership – What Is It Anyways?

Zero latency is a technical term for no lag time in a network or system. In technology, zero latency is achieved when performance and throughput are uninterrupted because the larger design is elegant, and the continuity is flawless. If we take this concept to leadership, we are designing thoughtful approaches to business and relationships that will make information flow seamlessly through our organizations and empower informed and decisive action.

Zero latency leadership starts when we look farther down the line than quarterly performance and create strategies to handle the throughput of information and events that empower us, as leaders, to make predictive judgments and wise choices. Zero latency leadership is all about setting a groundwork for success to avoid unintended consequences from pressures we could have seen coming.

Every company today is a tech enabled company. From video conferencing and talent management apps, to cost savings through cloud storage options, no business is operating without technology. And technology is coming at us faster than ever before. Leveraging technology effectively is a necessity for success. That’s why leaders who are strategic about technology in their business are on the way to being Zero Latency Leaders.

Every leader needs to understand how technology applies to their business, and how it can be applied to grow their business. Zero latency leaders make prioritize this knowledge in learn daily learning approach. They seek out as much impactful information as they can on existing and emerging technologies to prepare themselves—and their business—for the next new thing.

Zero latency leaders use every tool at their disposal, including training and discussion to glean a clear understanding of what certain technologies mean to their customers, the competition, and the company they lead. Maybe they don’t need 3-D printing in their business, but Zero Latency Leaders never discredit the possibility that it could make all the difference in expediting service calls for field service engineers, resulting in increased customer loyalty, and outperforming competitors. The Zero Latency Leader can make the right call because they understand both the needs of their customers and the potential of technology to meet those needs.

Zero Latency Leaders approach life and business as a series of systems that either work together elegantly or are disrupted by noise and a lack of understanding. They also understand that stewardship, sustainability, and success go hand in hand. Attention to equity and impact, along with emotional intelligence are attributes of thoughtful leaders. Zero Latency Leaders take these characteristics to the next level and become active strategists rather than reactive responders. They build quality into their systems to enhance business outcomes, deliver excellence, and empower confident decisions making. Zero Latency Leaders minimize the unintended consequences of new and emerging technologies while gaining the business value from these new technologies.

Join this community of Zero Latency Leaders over the next few weeks as we reveal new ways of looking at both old problems and emerging technologies to get ahead of the curve and set the agenda for what comes next and how it will benefit your business and humanity.
