Apple Chief Tim Cook Is Innovating His Way to a $3 Trillion Market Cap

Tim Cook

Nic Coury/Bloomberg

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The consistent knock on


CEO Tim Cook is that the world’s most valuable company by market cap hasn’t announced a new hardware platform since his predecessor, Steve Jobs, unveiled the iPhone in 2007. But that misses Cook’s remarkable performance, which has included adding new products, expanding the company’s vast services business, upgrading all of its hardware lines year after year, and continuing to crank out beloved technology products.

Apple’s stock was inching toward a $3 trillion market valuation in mid-June, a level that no other company has achieved, and $500 billion more than

and more than



combined. While there is no question that Jobs was an engineering and design genius, nearly 95% of Apple’s current market cap was added since Cook took the top job in 2011.

In the past few years, Cook has masterfully navigated soaring Covid-era demand, supply-chain shortages, a recent slump in Mac computer sales, scrutiny of Apple’s relationships in China, and scrutiny of the company’s dominant App Store. Cook’s challenge now is to find new sources of growth—maybe from the new Vision Pro virtual-reality headset, or an Apple Car. Or some other thing that no one sees coming, except Tim Cook.

Write to Eric J. Savitz at [email protected]
