China Formally Chides U.S. Ambassador After Biden Calls Xi A ‘Dictator,’ Report Says


China has issued a formal reprimand to the U.S. Ambassador in Beijing after President Joe Biden referred to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a “dictator,” the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, despite Biden claiming his comments had no consequence.

Key Facts

On the heels of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken concluding his visit to China, the country issued a démarche, which is an official complaint filed by one country against another, to U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns’ office, U.S. officials told the Journal.

This was done after Biden referred to Xi as a dictator during a press conference Tuesday, saying that the Chinese spy balloon incident in late January and early February was “a great embarrassment for dictators,” specifically Xi, who has served as president for a decade and is elected by the country’s Communist Party-dominated legislature rather than through broad popular votes.

China responded angrily, calling Biden’s remark “extremely absurd and irresponsible.”

Despite this sharp rebuke from China, Biden claims he doesn’t believe his comments harmed U.S.-China relations, saying “I expect to be meeting with President Xi sometime in the future, the near term, and I don’t think it’s had any consequence,” during a press conference Thursday.

Key Backgroung

U.S.-China relations have grown increasingly tense in recent months after a few key incidents between the two world powers. In February, a suspected Chinese spy balloon was spotted over Montana and began traveling across the U.S. before being shot down by the military. China claimed the balloon’s entering U.S. airspace was an accident and called Washington’s response “absurd and hysterical.” When Blinken visited China last week, a visit that was postponed during the spy balloon incident, Xi said he hoped the U.S. would adopt a “rational and pragmatic attitude” and work with them to “stabilize and improve Sino-U.S. relations.” Biden has suggested he plans to follow Blinken in meeting with Xi in the coming months.

Chief Critic

Republican lawmakers have continued to lambast Biden over allegations he’s soft on China. The Republican National Committee released a statement Tuesday that said the president has “a long history of praising China and ignoring the danger the Chinese Communist Party poses to American national security.” The RNC cited Biden’s comments such as “China is not our enemy,” “a rising China is a positive development” for the U.S., and that the Chinese are “not bad folks.” It also said that Biden has caused confusion over the U.S.’ support for Taiwan and that his withdrawal from Afghanistan made the country look weak in the eyes of Beijing. “Biden has enabled China to grow its influence, threaten American security, undermine the rules-based international order, and carry out human rights atrocities,” the RNC continued.

Further Reading

Biden Plays Down Dictator Remark After China Reprimands U.S. Ambassador (The Wall Street Journal)

China Slams Biden For ‘Extremely Absurd’ Comments After Labeling Xi Jinping A Dictator (Forbes)
