Artists Are Mad About Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’ AI-Generated Opening Credits

It took all of about 30 seconds for Marvel’s Secret Invasion to stumble into controversy after its premiere today. While reportedly the show itself is pretty good, the opening credits are what have gotten some people upset.

Secret Invasion is probably the highest profile project to very clearly use generative AI in a specific sequence like this. They’re not trying to hide it, this is absolutely all AI, as confirmed by the director, speaking to Polygon:

“When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it — it just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?” director Ali Selim says.

Selim goes onto say he does not “really understand” how generative AI works, but he liked what it was doing for the vibes of Secret Invasion:

“We would talk to them about ideas and themes and words, and then the computer would go off and do something. And then we could change it a little bit by using words, and it would change.”

How, generative AI works, of course, is that millions of images made by actual artists or photographers are fed into the system to train it, and it spits out something that’s an amalgam of pieces of many of them. Not exact copies, almost never, but art is being used to train these models without the permission of the artists. So for them, it’s a two-fold problem, A) the AI companies are effectively stealing their art without permission or compensation and B) in turn, they are using that AI-generated art to replace actual artists. While people now work as “AI vendors,” as Selim references, that’s certainly not the same thing.

The credits sequence reminds me of the earliest days of Midjourney, back when AI art was deeply weird and unsettling and at times, almost mystifying, which I supposed is what they’re going for. These days it’s a lot more large-chested stable diffusion anime girls, or leaning more often into hyper-realism than the kind of strangeness it started with.

If you didn’t know anything about AI art, I can see how you might view this intro and think it fits with the show. But when a director doesn’t “really understand” how AI art is made when you’re typing in prompts, and then you’re putting that inside one of the biggest franchises on earth, that does not seem great.

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